Thursday May 12, 2016
Ep 30 - Warlocks
Thursday May 12, 2016
Thursday May 12, 2016
Episode 30 brings Blue, Justin, Willy, and special guest MesaSean together to delve into the lore of the Warlock class of Guardians within Destiny. We break down the subclasses (and discuss in detail how much more powerful the Stormcaller feels both on a receiving side of the attacks and the giving side) as well as touch on the known Warlocks from within the game with a brief summary on each of them (including status - for those of you keeping score). Note here that many of the items are found within the map of the chat (found below), and due to the large number of those items, there were some that weren't mentioned.
As usual, please let us know any feedback you have or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our upcoming Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at FocusedFireChat@gmail.com or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Be sure to also jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing - we are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, as well as Google Play Music. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!
MesaSean on Twitter
MesaSean on YouTube
Thursday May 05, 2016
Ep 29 (Extra Lore 03) - Intro to Star Wars
Thursday May 05, 2016
Thursday May 05, 2016
Our 3rd episode in the Extra Lore series brings us an amazing coincidence of discussing an Introduction of Star Wars on May the 4th (known to many as Star Wars day)! Join Blue and guest hosts Damoel and Demigod257 as they discuss the changes in the new Expanded Universe of this iconic series, starting with the new Star Wars universe timeline and ending with a deep dive into the seemingly fathomless subject of the Force and how these aspects are changing within the new presentation of the new canon.
As usual, please let us know any feedback you have or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our upcoming Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at FocusedFireChat@gmail.com or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Be sure to also jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing - we are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, as well as Google Play Music. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!
Thursday Apr 28, 2016
Ep 28 - The Speaker & Traveler
Thursday Apr 28, 2016
Thursday Apr 28, 2016
Episode 28 brings Blue, Justin, and Willy together again to do battle against Skype and the siren song of much needed slumber to discuss the information that is available on arguably two of the more controversial subjects within Destiny - the Speaker and the Traveler. The conversation ranges from a brief dive into the Dreams of Alpha Lupi grimoire cards to a conversation discussing what exactly is the importance behind the repeated appearance of the number three within Destiny. There's a few heated conversations within the episode, but ultimately, it's decided that, for as much as we know about these two figures...there's still a ton left to guess (which is probably why, in the same vein as Yor and Ward, they are such a debated topic as far as intentions go).
As usual, please let us know any feedback you have or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our upcoming Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at FocusedFireChat@gmail.com or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Be sure to also jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing - we are also avaiable on the Destiny Community Hub app, as well as Google Play Music. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!
As noted in the show - the post on reddit discussing the differences between the ARG and the Grimoire cards for the Dreams of Alpha Lupi can be found here.
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Ep 27 - Vanguard Mentors
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Episode 27 brings Blue, Justin, and Willy back together (against the wishes of the evil forces of Skype and AT&T - which tried multiple times throughout the night to thwart their progress) to discuss the information that we have available to us on the three individuals who we know as the Vanguard Mentors. From a summary of the individual Mentor's past lives, to a rather heated argument regarding the previous Mentors who held the positions prior to the current generation of Mentors - the group walks through the information covered in the chat room and from the Grimoire. While the debate on who really owns the title of "master class" in Destiny is still certainly in motion - one thing can be for certain...Skype really wanted to mess with things.
As usual, please let us know any feedback you have by or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our upcoming Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at FocusedFireChat@gmail.com or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!
Also, be sure to jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing. We are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, if you use that app or would like to have quick access to a wide range of various informational sources on Destiny!
As noted in the show - please be sure to send any song requests for the after show segment to Justin on his twitter account, and be sure to use #justinsanerequest28 for us to make sure we see them all!
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Return to Focused Fire - Destiny Podcast Mashup
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
This mashup episode brings the Return to Orbit podcast hosts Jay and Mark together with Blue to chat about the recent Destiny update that released this week, from the potential secrets noted in a recent Kotaku article to a rough rundown of the new Grimoire information that was provided to the players. We even got a chance to hear Blue's introduction to gaming and how he stumbled across Destiny, as well as a brief glimpse in to the theory of what it means to be a Guardian within the Destiny universe and the nethervese that he touched on in the Focused Fire Chat's earlier episode this week (Darkness & Light).
Special thanks to the Return to Orbit podcast team for the amazing chat - be sure to check their podcast out here and give them a follow here:
As usual, please let us know any feedback you have by or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our upcoming Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at FocusedFireChat@gmail.com or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!
Also, be sure to jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing. We are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, if you use that app or would like to have quick access to a wide range of various informational sources on Destiny!
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Ep 26 - Darkness & Light
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Episode 26 brings Blue and Willy together to discuss the slippery irreality of Darkness and Light within the world of Destiny...or at least to start the conversation of this massive undertaking. Touching on basic topics such as what are those Motes of Light we keep acquiring to a more detailed, Aristotelian theory on the nature of the Guardians by Blue - the duo try to touch on the majority of the larger theories thrown around in the chat this past week. And, to be fair - they do a pretty impressive job, considering that the deities of technology and the internet worked pretty hard to prevent them from succeeding. But patience and a fair amount of post-production editing creates success!
As usual, please let us know any feedback you have by or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our upcoming Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at FocusedFireChat@gmail.com or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!
Also, be sure to jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing. We are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, if you use that app or would like to have quick access to a wide range of various informational sources on Destiny!
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Ep 25 - The Black Garden
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Episode 25 brings Blue, Justin, and Willy together to discuss the Black Garden, a central piece of the vanilla Destiny experience - and something which still, to this day, remains a mystery. What is the Garden? What does the Black Heart intend to use the Sol Progeny for? How does Paean fit into this week's episode? We know the really important questions you want us to answer. We manage to cover the chat's theories,as well as delve into some interesting trivia about the naming of some individuals connected to the Garden, a particular set of seemingly random armor, and even discuss those little "Vex ducks" that are seen on the Pantheon crucible map.
Apologies for the spotty audio - some of the team was traveling this week, so we were relying on the amazing hotel internet for a connection, but Blue did his best to clean up the quality and trim out those pesky bursts of sound for you guys.
As usual, please let us know any feedback you have by or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our upcoming Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at FocusedFireChat@gmail.com or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!
Also, be sure to jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing. We are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, if you use that app or would like to have quick access to a wide range of various informational sources on Destiny!
Follow Belle for more information on the Midwest Destiny Meetup!
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Ep 24 (Extra Lore 02) - Intro to The Elder Scrolls
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Extra Lore 02 brings Blue, Justin, and returning guest Mel (Wind of the Stars) together to discuss a brief introduction to The Elder Scrolls games - something that is a rather large challenge, considering the sheer amount of information that is available on the series. Primarily focusing on the basic makeup of the game world, a very, very, very basic overview of the timeline and a decent conversation about the summary of the five main title games, the group actually manages to get through it. And Justin even has the energy to work in a small Dragon Theory, as well as an interesting challenge for our guest at the end of the episode.
Blue also would like to extend an invitation to anyone who is interested in continuing this conversation to jump into the chat - let us know that you're looking to help continue building out the mind map (linked below) and are also looking for a place to enjoy some great conversations about The Elder Scrolls!
As usual, please let us know any feedback you have by or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our upcoming Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at FocusedFireChat@gmail.com or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!
Also, be sure to jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing. We are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, if you use that app or would like to have quick access to a wide range of various informational sources on Destiny!
WindoftheStars on Twitter
WindoftheStars on Twitch
WindoftheStars on Facebook
Thursday Mar 24, 2016
Ep 23 - Weapons of Sorrow
Thursday Mar 24, 2016
Thursday Mar 24, 2016
Episode 23 brings Blue, Justin, Willy, and returning guest, Uni, together to discuss the nature of dreaded Weapons of Sorrow - from the very basis of what makes up the Weapons to the overarching impact of the ideas of Sword Logic and what the theories behind the creation of weapons such as Bad Juju and Red Death could mean. The nature of the known Weapons gives us the means to build up some pretty interesting theories - though even the Paean champion himself is hard pressed to find enough spinfoil to build a bridge for his lord on this one.
As usual, please let us know any feedback you have by or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our upcoming Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at FocusedFireChat@gmail.com or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!
Also, be sure to jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing. We are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, if you use that app or would like to have quick access to a wide range of various informational sources on Destiny!
Unisys on Twitter
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Ep 22 - Cabal
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Episode 22 brings Blue, Justin, and Willy back together to discuss the Cabal and the lore around this militaristic species. From delving into the historical tie-ins to Roman and Spartan military structure and culture to the introduction of the "Paean Trombone", the team goes through the majority of the Grimoire that we have available to us currently and breaks it out as much as possible. However, it wouldn't be right if we didn't have an appearance of some good old fashioned spinfoil or our "Paean Theory of the Week" as it has now been coined.
As usual, please let us know any feedback you have by or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our upcoming Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at FocusedFireChat@gmail.com or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!
Also, be sure to jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing. We are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, if you use that app or would like to have quick access to a wide range of various informational sources on Destiny!
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